El influyente Club Bilderberg se reúne desde hoy en Sitges
La Reina Sofía acude a la cita de esta organización formada por jefes de Estado, presidentes de empresas y banqueros
PERE LOBATO / AGENCIAS - Sitges / Barcelona - 03/06/2010 El hotel Dolce de Sitges es esta mañana el centro de muchas miradas, por la importancia de los clientes que se hospedan en él,aunque es muy poco lo que se puede ver de él. Los Mossos d'Esquadra han desplegado un amplio dispositivo de seguridad alrededor del hotel, cortando la carretera que da acceso a la zona de Can Girona, donde se encuentra el centro hotelero. El Club Bilderberg, que agrupa a presidentes de empresas, bancos, jefes de Estado, miembros de las monarquías europeas y a las personas más influyentes del mundo, se reúnen aquí para debatir temas económicos y políticos sin hacer públicas sus conclusiones. A la reunión se espera la asistencia, entre otros, de la Reina Sofía y del presidente del Gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, que también ha sido invitado a las jornadas donde se debaten temas económicos y políticos sin hacer públicas las conclusiones.
Sofía de Grecia. Reina de España
Jaap De Hoop Scheffer
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
El puñado de curiosos y los muchos periodistas que están cubriendo el encuentro se tienen que conformar con estar a 500 metros del Dolce. Durante la mañana, se han podido ver coches de lujo llegar a la zona, con los cristales tintados para garantizar la discreción de sus ocupantes. Los pocos vecinos que residen cerca, que tienen prohibido estar en la zona con cámaras de vídeo o fotográficas, tampoco se han dejado ver. Para ir a sus casas tienen que estar acreditados, y no pueden recibir visitas. Fuentes de la cadena hotelera han señalado que no pueden "confirmar ni desmentir" la presencia de personalidades durante estos días aunque sí han admitido que el recinto se encuentra cerrado al público hasta el próximo domingo.
Los que sí han empezado a dejarse ver han sido losantisistema. Medio centenar de ellos se han concentrado en el punto en el que los mossosy la Policía Local cortan el paso. Los antidisturbios han actuado para ponerlos tras las vallas de seguridad que se han instalado. Para esta tarde está prevista una concentración en contra de la presencia del Club Bildelberg en la localidad. El hotel Dolce Sitges es el más lujoso y nuevo de los muchos que hay en Sitges, en el espacio natural del Colls. Precisamente, estos días trabajan aquí un equipo de personal de un plan ocupacional de mantenimiento forestal, a los que hoy se les ha dado fiesta debido a la celebración del encuentro.
El Club Bilderberg celebra anualmente una conferencia privada durante varios días con más de un centenar de destacados dirigentes mundiales e influyentes personalidades de diversos sectores, que asisten sólo por invitación. El encuentro, que cada año se celebra en un país distinto, es privado y casi secreto, y la discreción sobre lo que se habla es total. La Reina asiste este año una vez más, como ya hizo en la reunión de 2009, que tuvo lugar en la capital de su país natal, Atenas (Grecia), y también en ocasiones anteriores.
Asistentes españoles
Entre los miembros españoles que suelen acudir anualmente a la convocaoria de este exclusivo grupo se encuentran el consejero delegado del grupo PRISA, Juan Luis Cebrián, el presidente de Acciona, José Manuel Entrecanales, o el ex ministro de Economía Pedro Solbes. Entre el resto de invitados que se esperan están la Reina Beatriz de Holanda; el director de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, Pascal Lamy; el presidente del Banco Central Europeo, Jean Claude Trichet; el ex secretario general de la OTAN, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, según varios medios nacionales e internacionales
La primera conferencia del club tuvo lugar en el Hotel Bilderberg, cerca de Arnhem (Países Bajos), el 29 y 30 de mayo de 1954. Entre los principales impulsores figuran el ex ministro belga Paul Van Zeeland, el príncipe Bernardo de Holanda y el judío polaco y asesor político Joseph Retinger. Otros asistentes activos son el estadounidense Donald Rumsfeld, el irlandés Peter Shuderland o el ex presidente del Banco Mundial Paul Wolfowitz.
Listado en inglés de los asistentes a las reuniones del club Bilderberg (Wikipedia)
List of Bilderberg participants
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following is a list of prominent persons who have attended one or more conferences organized by the Bilderberg Group. The list is currently organized by category. It is not a complete list and it includes both living and deceased people. Where known, the year(s) they attended are denoted in brackets.
• 1 Royalty
• 2 Politics
o 2.1 United States
2.1.1 Presidents
2.1.2 Senators
2.1.3 Governors
o 2.2 United Kingdom
2.2.1 Prime Ministers
o 2.3 Belgium
o 2.4 Netherlands
o 2.5 France
o 2.6 Portugal
o 2.7 Finland
o 2.8 Iceland
o 2.9 Germany
o 2.10 Poland
o 2.11 Canada
o 2.12 Sweden
o 2.13 EU Commissioners
o 2.14 UN, WTO, NATO and other International Organizations
• 3 Military
• 4 Financial institutions
• 5 Major corporations
• 6 University, institute and other academic
• 7 Media
• 8 References
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (1997, 2000)[1][2]
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1954, 1975)[3][4]
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, United Kingdom (1986)[5][6]
Juan Carlos I of Spain, King of Spain (2004)[7]
Prince Philippe, Prince of Belgium (2007)[8]
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1965, 1967)[9][10]
Queen Sofía of Spain[11]
[edit]United States
Map of countries by the number of politicians, which have attended one or more conferences organized by the Bilderberg Group
George W. Ball (1954, 1993),[12] Under Secretary of State 1961-1968, Ambassador to U.N. 1968
Sandy Berger (1999),[13] National Security Advisor, 1997–2001
Hillary Rodham Clinton,[14] 67th United States Secretary of State
Timothy Geithner,[15] Treasury Secretary
Lee H. Hamilton (1997),[1] former US Congressman
Christian Herter,[16] (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), 53rd United States Secretary of State
Charles Douglas Jackson (1957, 1958, 1960),[17] Special Assistant to the President
Joseph E. Johnson[18] (1954), President Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Henry Kissinger[19] (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977, 2008),[20] 56th United States Secretary of State
Colin Powell (1997),[1] 65th United States Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice,[14] 66th United States Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers,[15] Director of the National Economic Council
Paul Volcker,[15] Chair of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979–1987
Bill Clinton (1991),[21][22] President 1993-2001
Gerald Ford (1964, 1966),[3][23] President 1974-1977
Tom Daschle,[14] Senator from South Dakota 1987-2005
John Edwards (2004),[24][25] Senator from North Carolina 1999-2005
Chuck Hagel (1999, 2000),[26] Senator from Nebraska 1997-2009
Sam Nunn (1996, 1997),[1] Senator from Georgia 1972-1997
Rick Perry (2007),[27] Governor of Texas 2000-current
Mark Sanford (2008),[28] Governor of South Carolina
[edit]United Kingdom
Paddy Ashdown (1989),[29] former leader of Liberal Democrats, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ed Balls (2006),[30] former Economic Secretary to the Treasury and advisor to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and was Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families (2007–2010)
Peter Carington, 6th Baron Carrington (Steering Committee member) ,[31] former Foreign Secretary
Kenneth Clarke (1993,[32] 1998,[33] 1999,[34] 2003,[35] 2004,[36] 2006,[37] 2008),[38][39] Chancellor of the Exchequer 1993-1997, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2008-2010, Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice 2010-current
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (Viscount Cranborne) (1997),[1] Leader of the House of Lords 94-97
Denis Arthur Greenhill, Lord Greenhill of Harrow (deceased) (1974),[40]) former Head of Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Denis Healey (founder and Steering Committee member),[31] former Chancellor of the Exchequer
Peter Mandelson (1999,,[41] 2009[42] Business Secretary (2008–2010)
John Monks (1996),[43] former TUC General Secretary
George Osborne (2006,[44] 2007,[44] 2008[45] 2009[46]) Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (2004–2010), Chancellor of the Exchequer 2010-current
David Owen (1982),[47] former British Foreign Secretary and leader of the Social Democratic Party
Enoch Powell, (deceased) (1968),[48] MP and Ulster Unionist
Malcolm Rifkind (1996),[43] former Foreign Secretary
Eric Roll (1964, 1966, 1967, 1973–1975, 1977–1999) (Bilderberg Steering Committee),[49] Department of Economic Affairs, 1964, later Bilderberg Group Chairman
John Smith (1989) (deceased),[50] Labour Party leader
[edit]Prime Ministers
Tony Blair (1993),[21][32] Prime Minister 1997-2007
Gordon Brown (1991),[22] Prime Minister 2007- 2010
Edward Heath,[3] Prime Minister 1970-1974
Alec Douglas-Home (1977–1980),[51] Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Prime Minister 1963-1964
Margaret Thatcher (1975),[52] Prime Minister 1979-1990
Paul-Henri Spaak, Former Prime Minister[53] (1963)
Ruud Lubbers, Former Prime Minister[54]
Wim Kok, Former Prime Minister[54]
Jan-Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister[54]
Gaston Defferre (1964),[55] member of National Assembly and mayor of Marseille (at the time)
Georges Pompidou, Former Prime Minister of France, Former President of the French Republic[54]
Francisco Pinto Balsemão (1981, 1983–1985, 1987–2008),[8] former Prime Minister of Portugal, 1981–1983 and CEO of Impresa media group
Eero Heinäluoma (2006),[56] former Chairman of the Finnish Social Democratic Party and he was the Minister of Finance between 2005 and 2007
Jyrki Katainen (2007, 2009),[57][58] chairman of Finnish National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) and the current Minister of Finance
Sauli Niinistö (1997),[1] former Minister of Finance (Finland), Speaker of Parliament
Matti Vanhanen (2009),[58] Prime Minister chairman of (Suomen Keskusta)
Bjarni Benediktsson[59] (1965, 1970 etc.),[60] Mayor of Reykjavík 1940-47, Foreign Minister 1947-55, editor of The Morning Paper 1956-59, Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs 1959-63, Prime Minister1963-70
Björn Bjarnason[59] (1974, 1977),[61] Assistant editor of The Morning Paper 1984-1991, Minister of Education 1995-2002, Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs 2003, 2009
Davíð Oddsson[59] (ca. 1991-1999), Mayor of Reykjavík 1982-1991, Prime Minister 1991-2004, Foreign Minister 2004-2005, Central Bank governor 2005-2009, editor of The Morning Paper as of September 2009
Einar Benediktsson[59] (ca. 1970), ambassador: OECD 1956-60, UK 1982-1986, European Union et al. 1986-1991, NATO 1986-1990, United States et al. 1993-1997, etc.[62]
Geir Haarde,[63] Central Bank economist 1977-1983, member and chairman of the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee 1991-1998, Minister of Finance 1998-2005, Foreign Minister 2005-2006, Prime Minister2006-2009
Geir Hallgrímsson[59] (ca. 1974-1977[61],[64] 1980[65]), Mayor of Reykjavík 1959-72, Prime Minister 1974-78, Foreign Minister 1983-1986, Central Bank governor 1986-1990
Hörður Sigurgestsson,[59] former CEO of shipping line Eimskip, former chairman and CFO of Icelandair[66]
Jón Sigurðsson[59] (1993), IMF Board of Directors 1974-1987, Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs 1987-88, Industry and Commerce 1988-93, Central Bank governor 1993-94, Nordic Investment Bankgovernor 1994-2005[67]
Guido Westerwelle (2007),[68] Chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
Helmut Schmidt, West German Chancellor[3]
Józef Retinger (1954 to 1960), Founder and secretary of Bilderberg Group[4][69]
Jean Chretien (1996),[43] Prime Minister of Canada, 1993–2003
Stephen Harper (2003),[70] Prime Minister of Canada, 2006-current
Mike Harris,[70] Premier of Ontario 1995-2002
Bernard Lord,[70] Premier of New Brunswick 1999-2006
Paul Martin (1996),[43] Prime Minister of Canada, 2003–2006
Frank McKenna (2006),[71] Canadian Ambassador to the United States 2005-2006, Premier of New Brunswick 1987-1997
Carl Bildt (2006),[72] (2008),[72] (2009), Minister of Foreign Affairs 2006-
Anders Borg (2007),[72] Minister of Finance 2006-
Thorbjörn Fälldin (1978),[20] Prime Minister 1976-1978
Maud Olofsson [2008),[72] Minister of Industry 2006-
Fredrik Reinfeldt (2006),[72] Prime Minister 2006-
[edit]EU Commissioners
European Union Commissioners who have attended include:
Frederik Bolkestein (1996, 2003),[73] former European Commissioner
Pascal Lamy (2003)[73]
Peter Mandelson (1999),[41] (2009),[42] former European Commissioner for Trade 2004-2008
[edit]UN, WTO, NATO and other International Organizations
Alexander Haig (1978),[20] NATO Commander 1974-1979 (US Secretary of State 1981-1982)
Lyman Lemnitzer (1963),[53] Supreme Allied Commander NATO 1963-1969
Colin Gubbins[74] (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), head of the British SOE
[edit]Financial institutions
Ben Bernanke (2008,[28] 2009),[42] Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve
Wim Duisenberg, former European Central Bank President[54]
Gordon Richardson,[75](1966, 1975) former Governor of the Bank of England
William J McDonough (1997),[1] former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Jean-Claude Trichet (2009),[76] President of the European Central Bank 2003-current
Paul Volcker (1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1997),[1] former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Siegmund Warburg (1977)[75]
[edit]Major corporations
Percy Barnevik (1992–1996, 1997,[1] 2001), former CEO of ASEA
Michel Bon,[77] former CEO of France Telecom
Lord Browne of Madingley (1995, 1997,[1] 2004), Chief Executive BP
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.,[78] IBM Chairman
H. J. Heinz II (1954),[18] CEO of H. J. Heinz Company
André Lévy-Lang, (French)[77] former CEO of Paribas
Jorma Ollila (1997,[1] 2005, 2008), Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and Nokia Corporation
Paul Rijkens (Dutch) Former Chairman of Unilever[54]
Jürgen E. Schrempp (1994–1996, 1997),[1] 1998, 1999, 2001–2005, 2006, 2007), former CEO of DaimlerChrysler
Hans Stråberg (2006),[72] CEO of Electrolux
Peter Sutherland (1989–1996, 1997,[1] 2005), former Chairman of BP
Martin Taylor[1] (1993–1996,[43] 1997), former CEO, Barclays
Otto Wolff von Amerongen,[1] Chairman Otto Wolff GmbH.
Jacob Wallenberg (2006),[72] Chairman of Investor AB
[edit]University, institute and other academic
C. Fred Bergsten (1971, 1974, 1984, 1997),[1] President, Peterson Institute
Thierry de Montbrial,[77] Director of the Institut Français des Relations Internationales
Nicolas Beytout, (French)[77] Editor of Le Figaro (France)
Conrad Black (1981, 1983, 1985–1996)[43](1997),[79] Hollinger International, Inc., now in prison
William F. Buckley, Jr. (1996),[80] columnist and founder of National Review
Will Hutton[21] (1997), former CEO of The Work Foundation and editor-in-chief for The Observer
Andrew Knight (1996),[31][43] journalist, editor, and media baron
George Stephanopoulos (1996, 1997),[43] Former Communications Director of the Clinton Administration (1993–1996), now ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent
1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "Bilderberg Meeting of 1997 Assembles". PR Newswire. 13 June 1997.
2. ^ Video showing DSK, Queen Beatrix and James Wolfensohn among others at Bilderberg 2000
3. ^ a b c d Welcome to ActivePaper
4. ^ a b "Obituary - Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands". The Times. December 3, 2004. "Bernhard's visits abroad provided the background for an enterprise which interested him greatly, the Bilderberg conferences at which, from 1954 onwards, statesmen, businessmen and intellectuals from Europe and America had private discussions once or twice a year. The idea of the conferences originated with Dr Joseph H. Retinger as a counter to the anti-Americanism in Western Europe."
5. ^ Jon Ronson (March 28, 2001). "Exposed: The Secret Club Of Powermongers Who Really Rule The World". The Mirror. "Prince Charles and Bill Clinton have been to sessions."
6. ^ Jean Stead (April 28, 1986). "Prince Charles attends meeting on South Africa". The Guardian (London). "The 34th Bilderberg conference ended at Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire, yesterday after a debate on the South African crisis attended by Prince Charles. He arrived for the economic debate on Saturday and stayed overnight at the hotel."
7. ^ Mark Oliver (June 4, 2004). "The Bilderberg group". The Guardian (London).
8. ^ a b "'High Priests Of Globalization' In Istanbul". Turkish Daily News. May 31, 2007. "The Turkish state minister and chief negotiator, Ali Babacan, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Kemal Dervis, the Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen (Tusiad) Chairwoman Arzuhan Dogan Yalcindag, Koc Holding Executive Board President Mustafa Koc and the Bogazici University rector, Prof Dr Ayse Soysal, will attend the meeting on behalf of Turkey. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Sofia of Spain, Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium, Greek National Economy and Finance Minister Yeoryios Alogoskoufis, former Prime Minister Francisco Pinto Balsemao of Portugal, former Foreign Minister Michel Barnier of France, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt of Sweden, Finance Minister Anders Borg of Sweden, Foreign Trade Minister Frank Heemskerk of the Netherlands, Finance Minister Jyrki Katainen of Finland, former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, Agriculture Minister Christine Lagarde of France, Justice Minister Michael McDowell of Ireland, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato, the EU commissioner for enlargement, Olli Rehn, and the US ambassador to Turkey, Ross Wilson, are among foreign guests of the meeting. Meanwhile, tight security measures were taken in and around the Ritz Carlton Hotel, the venue of the meeting."
9. ^ "Duke Of Edinburgh In Como Talks". The Times. April 03, 1965. p. 7. "The Duke of Edinburgh took part today in the opening session of the Bilderberg meeting at the Villa d'Este on Lake Como."
10. ^ "Court Circular". The Times. April 03, 1967. p. 12.
11. ^ Official List of Participants for the 2009 Bilderberg Meeting
12. ^ "George W. Ball Papers, 1880s-1994" (PDF). Princeton University Library. Archived from the original on 2007-06-24.
13. ^ "Text Of Remarks By National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger To The Bilderberg Steering Committee; "Strengthening The Bipartisan Center: An Internationalist Agenda For America"". Federal News Service. November 4, 1999.
14. ^ a b c Are the people who 'really run the world' meeting this weekend?
15. ^ a b c "Conspiracists Push 'Bilderberger' Theory" March 15 2008
16. ^ "Herter, Christian Archibald, 1895-1966. Papers: Guide.". Houghton Library, Harvard.
17. ^ Aubourg, Valerie (2003). "Organizing Atlanticism: the Bilderberg group and the Atlantic institute, 1952- 1963". Intelligence and National Security 18:2: 92–105.
18. ^ a b Alden Hatch (1962). H.R.H.Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands: An authorized biography. London: Harrap. ISBN B0000CLLN4.
19. ^ Kenneth Maxwell (2004). "The Case of the Missing Letter in Foreign Affairs:: Kissinger, Pinochet and Operation Condor". David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. Archived from the original on 2007-03-11.
20. ^ a b c "Western Issues Aired". The Washington Post. April 24, 1978. "The three-day 26th Bilderberg Meeting concluded at a secluded cluster of shingled buildings in what was once a farmer's field. Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's national security adviser, Swedish Prime Minister Thorbjorrn Falldin, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger and NATO Commander Alexander M. Haig Jr. were among 104 North American and European leaders at the conference."
21. ^ a b c Bill Hayton (29 September 2005). "Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group". BBC.
22. ^ a b "Clinton; Tony and Gordon just have to work this out; The former president, who is expected to play a starring role at the Labour conference, talks to Toby Harnden about the party; its future and its leadership contest". The Spectator. September 16, 2006. p. 14. "In fact, Clinton, then governor of Arkansas and considered a rank outsider for the 1992 presidential race, first met Brown in June 1991 at the Bilderberg conference in the Black Forest resort of Baden-Baden. By all accounts, the two clicked."
23. ^ Mark Rich (2008). Hidden Evil. ISBN 9781435750104.
24. ^ U.S. Sen. John Edwards at Bilderberg. (06-JUN-04) UPI NewsTrack
25. ^ The Nation: Conspiracy Theorists Unite; A Secret Conference Thought to Rule the World
26. ^ Jackie Kucinich (May 12, 2005). "World leaders attend meeting that they won't talk about". The Hill. p. 4. "Several members of Congress have been said to be on the guest list in the past, including Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Jon Corzine (D-N.J.), Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and Evan Bayh (D-Ind.). Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C) took a break from the campaign trail to attend the meeting last year. Hagel's office confirmed that he had attended the conference in 1999 and 2000."
27. ^ Christy Hoppe (Thursday, May 31, 2007), Perry off to secret forum in Turkey, The Dallas Morning News, retrieved 2009-07-21
28. ^ a b "Why is our governor visiting this group". The Augusta Chronicle. June 19, 2008. p. 8. "Some of the names on the list are intriguing. Some of the well-known names include:Ben Bernanke - chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System; Condoleezza Rice - U.S. secretary of state; James A. Johnson - tasked with choosing U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's running mate; Paul Wolfowitz - with the Institute for Public Policy Research. The one name that stands out in my opinion this year is South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford."
29. ^ Ian Aitken (May 26, 1989). The Guardian (London). "Mr Paddy Ashdown is not yet wholly at ease with the trappings of office, even if the office in question is only that of leader of the Social and Liberal Democrats. Attending the Bilderberg Conference of European political leaders in Spain last week, he was deeply impressed by the splendour of the official cars and the intensity of the security precautions laid on for his arrival. Reaching the conference headquarters at last, he sank into a chair and said to his neighbour: 'Hello, I'm Paddy Ashdown.' The neighbour smiled diffidently, put out his hand, and said: 'Hello, I'm the King of Spain.'"
30. ^ Telegraph.co.uk Taxpayers foot bill for Ed Balls 'junket'. Daily Telegraph
31. ^ a b c "Who pulls the strings?". London: The Guardian. 10 March 2001. Retrieved 2010-05-08.
32. ^ a b "Memorandum submitted by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards - Complaint against Mr Kenneth Clarke". United Kingdom Parliament. 11 July 1997. "Mr Clarke subsequently explained that he and Mr Blair considered that they were attending the conference as representatives of the Government and the Opposition respectively, and stated that 'I was quite confident that I was at the time meeting the rules applying to Ministers, and it did not occur to me that the new rules concerning registration could apply to this visit'."
33. ^ House of Commons - Register of Members' Interests, Commons Publications, 2 December 1998, retrieved 2009-07-21
34. ^ "Register of Members' Interests". 9 June 1999. "3–6 June 1999, to Portugal, to attend Bilderberg meetings. I paid for my own air fare; the hotel accommodation for three nights was paid for by the organisers."
35. ^ "Register of Members' Interests". 21 May 2003. "15–18 May 2003, to Versailles, France, to attend a Bilderberg Conference. I paid for my own air fare; the hotel accommodation for three nights was paid for by the organisers."
36. ^ "Register of Members' Interests". 8 June 2004. "3–6 June 2004, to Stresa, Italy, to attend Bilderberg Conference. I paid for my own air fare; the hotel accommodation for three nights was paid for by the organisers.",
37. ^ House of Commons - Register of Members' Interests
38. ^ "Register of Members' Interests - Kenneth Clarke". United Kingdom Parliament. 16 June 2008.
39. ^ "Kenneth Clarke:Full register of members' interests". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 2010-05-08. "5–8 June 2008, to Chantilly, Virginia, USA, to attend Bilderberg Conference. Hotel accommodation paid for by the conference sponsors. (I paid my travel costs.) (Registered 12 June 2008)"
40. ^ "'Atlantic world' theme for Bilderberg conference". The Times. April 19, 1974. p. 6.
41. ^ a b [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900/cmregmem/memi19.htm British House of Commons - Register of Journalists' Interests
42. ^ a b c "Our man at Bilderberg". London: The Guardian. 19 May 2009. Retrieved 2010-05-08. "Mandelson's office has confirmed his attendance at this year's meeting: "Yes, Lord Mandelson attended Bilberberg. He found it a valuable conference.""
43. ^ a b c d e f g h John Deverell (May 31, 1996). "Vast array of international VIPs talk things over at secretive Bilderberg '96 in King City". The Toronto Star. "Lord Carrington, Conference chairman; former NATO secretary-general; Francisco Pinto Balsemao, Former prime minister of Portugal; Queen Beatrix, Netherlands; Lloyd Bentsen, Former treasury secretary, U.S.; Carl Bildt, The High Representative Sweden; Conrad Black, Chairman, Hollinger, Canada; Frits Bolkestein, Liberal party leader, Netherlands; Jean Chretien, Prime minister of Canada; Etienne Davignon, Executive chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique, Belgium; Stanley Fischer, International Monetary Fund; Charles Freeman, Former assistant secretary of defence, U.S.; Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario; Richard Holbrooke, Former assistant secretary of state, U.S.; Peter Job, Chief executive, Reuters Holding, Britain; Lionel Jospin, Socialist party leader, France; Henry Kissinger, Former U.S. secretary of state; Andrew Knight, News Corp., Britain; Winston Lord, Assistant secretary of state, U.S.; Paul Martin, Finance minister, Canada; Philippe Maystadt, Finance minister, Belgium; John Monks, Union leader, Britain; Mario Monti, European commissioner; Sam Nunn, U.S. senator; William Perry, Defence secretary, U.S.; Jan Petersen, Conservative party leader, Norway; Malcolm Rifkind, Foreign secretary, Britain; Renato Ruggiero, Director-general, World Trade Organization; Mona Sahlin, Member of parliament, Sweden; Klaus Schwab, President, World Economic Forum; Queen Sofia, Spain; George Soros, President, Soros Fund Management, U.S.; George Stephanopoulos, Senior adviser to the president, U.S.; Peter Sutherland, Former director-general, GATT and WTO, Ireland; J. Martin Taylor, Chief executive, Barclays Bank, Britain; Alex Trotman, Chairman, Ford Motor, U.S.; John Whitehead, Former deputy secretary of state, U.S.; James Wolfensohn, World Bank president."
44. ^ a b "Register of Members' Interests - George Osborne". United Kingdom Parliament. 3 July 2007.
45. ^ "Register of Members' Interests - George Osborne". United Kingdom Parliament. 16 June 2008.
46. ^ "Register of Member' Interests - George Osborne". United Kingdom Parliament. 27 May 2009.
47. ^ Ronson, Jon (10 March 2001). "Who pulls the strings? (part 3)". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2009-07-04. ""During the Falklands war, the British government's request for international sanctions against Argentina fell on stony ground. But at a Bilderberg meeting in, I think, Denmark, David Owen stood up and gave the most fiery speech in favour of imposing them. Well, the speech changed a lot of minds. I'm sure that various foreign ministers went back to their respective countries and told their leaders what David Owen had said. And you know what? Sanctions were imposed.""
48. ^ "Heath asks nation to be calm, fair, responsible, constructive". The Times. April 29, 1968. p. 2. "The outstretched hand of Mr. Powell was rejected by the leader of a coloured delegation which tried to present a petition to him today at the ski lodge at Mont Tremblanc Quebec, where Mr. Powell was attending the seventeenth annual Bilderberg conference."
49. ^ "Register of Lords Interests - Lord Roll of Ipsden". United Kingdom Parliament. 1 October 2004. Archived from the original on 2008-02-07.
50. ^ Paddy Ashdown (November 2000). The Ashdown Diaries: 1988-1997. Allen Lane. ISBN 0713995106.
51. ^ "Twenty-fifth Bilderberg meeting held". Facts on File World News Digest. May 14, 1977. "Alec Douglas-Home, the former prime minister of Great Britain, chaired the conference, replacing Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who had previously headed the Bilderberg invitation committee. (Prince Bernhard had resigned all public positions after the 1976 Lockheed scandal.)"
52. ^ "News in Brief". The Times. April 26, 1975. p. 5. "Mrs Thatcher, the Conservative leader and Mr Healey, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, were among participants in the twenty second Bilderberg Conference."
53. ^ a b "Secret Meeting Held in Cannes". The Washington Post. March 30, 1963.
54. ^ a b c d e f Geschiedenis: Bilderberg-conferentie 1954
55. ^ "American Trip By M. Defferre Hope Of Meeting The President". The Times. Friday, Mar 20, 1964. p. 13. "The main purpose of M. Defferre's visit however, is to attend the annual Bilderberg Colloquy at which leaders of western thought are invited to speak their minds in the strictest secrecy."
56. ^ Valtiovarainministeriö: Heinäluoma Bilderberg-kokouksessa Ottawassa
57. ^ Valtiovarainministeriö: Katainen Bilderberg-kokoukseen Istanbuliin
58. ^ a b Tiedote
59. ^ a b c d e f g "Alþýðuflokksmaður boðinn í fyrsta sinn á Bilderbergfund". Morgunblaðið (The Morning Paper). 24 April 1993.
60. ^ Vefur Reykjavíkurborgar - Vefur Bjarna Benediktssonar
61. ^ a b Björn Bjarnason 13.9.2001
62. ^ Samtíðarmenn 2003
63. ^ Alþingi - 112. löggjafarþing, 277. fundur, fyrirspurn: greiðsla kostnaðar á fundaferðum ráðherra (Icelandic)
64. ^ Alþingi - 100. löggjafarþing, 88. fundur, 357. mál, utanríkismál (Icelandic)
65. ^ Wikileaks - Bilderberg meeting report Aachen, 1980
66. ^ [1]
67. ^ Alþingi - Æviágrip: Jón Sigurðsson (Icelandic)
68. ^ Westerwelle traf Gül - EU-Beitritt im Zentrum der Gespräche (German) Free Democratic Party of Germany. 30 May 2007.
69. ^ Sir Edward Beddington-Behrens (June 13, 1960). "Obituary - Mr. Joseph Retinger". The Times. p. 12.
70. ^ a b c Glen Mcgregor (May 24, 2006). "Ottawa to host top-secret meeting -- or maybe not: Rumours run rampant that ultra-influential Bilderberg to come here". Ottawa Citizen. "Several Canadian political figures have spoken at Bilderbergs, including prime ministers Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien, New Brunswick premiers Bernard Lord and Frank McKenna, and former Ontario premier Mike Harris. Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office would not say yesterday whether he has been invited to attend the rumoured Ottawa meetings. Mr. Harper attended the 2003 conference in Versailles, France."
71. ^ Robert Benzie (June 12, 2006). "Ontario to build nuclear reactors". The Toronto Star.
72. ^ a b c d e f g Svenska Dagbladet Näringsliv 2009-11-12
73. ^ a b "Answer given by Mr Prodi on behalf of the Commission". European Parliament. 15 May 2003.
74. ^ Valerie Aubourg (June 2003). Organizing Atlanticism: the Bilderberg Group and the Atlantic Institute 1952-63.
75. ^ a b Caroline Moorehead (18 April 1977). "An exclusive club, perhaps without power, but certainly with influence: The Bilderberg group". The Times.
76. ^ Charlie Skelton (May 18, 2009). "Our man at Bilderberg: I should be ashamed". Guardian. "He shows me another: a long-range shot of two happy globalists in an inflatable doughnut ring and Speedos, skidding about behind a powerboat. If only the image was sharper we might see Peter Mandelson snatching a chat with Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank. "So how do we sell ... splooosh! ... wooo! ... the abolition of the pound to the ... sploosh! ... electorate? Again! Again! Once more round the bay!""
77. ^ a b c d Bruno Fay's blog on Le Monde
78. ^ STLtoday - St. Louis Post-Dispatch Archives
79. ^ Goddard, Jacqui (February 15, 2004). "Prufrock: Rulers of the world prepare to expel Black". London: The Sunday Times. Retrieved 2010-05-08. "The final straw came this month when Black said he would sue Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle, both directors of Hollinger and fellow Bilderbergers. Now he is going to be pressed to leave the group."
80. ^ "Leaders' meeting exclusive, secret: Chance for relaxed discussions". Hamilton Spectator (Ontario, Canada). June 1, 1996.
Categories: International nongovernmental organizations | Bilderberg Group | Lists of businesspeople